2023 Market Update

Volatile natural gas prices are your friend.


Market Update | 4/25/2023 It was not always this way. Volatility had typically been confined to winters and the months leading up to winter. The zig and zag of what our customers pay, either directly or through the derivative power price, has covered a range last seen more than two decades ago. Because [...]

Volatile natural gas prices are your friend.2024-11-13T15:41:06+00:00

The New England grid survived the arctic blast, but what did it tell us about electrification?


Market Update | 2/8/2023 Last week the news in New England focused on the pending frigid cold expected over the weekend. There were many unknowns about how energy prices and the grid would react to the arctic blast. In a recent market update, we cautioned that planned outages, demand response events, and possibly very [...]

The New England grid survived the arctic blast, but what did it tell us about electrification?2024-02-27T18:20:43+00:00

Arctic blast coming this weekend: Will the New England grid be ready?


Market Update | 1/31/2023 We had unseasonably cold weather on Christmas Eve. It was cold, but hardly record-breaking cold. It was a holiday and a Saturday, yet we almost had rolling blackouts. ISO New England that day declared a capacity deficiency at 4:30 pm, implementing Demand Response, after about 2,150MW of resources scheduled [...]

Arctic blast coming this weekend: Will the New England grid be ready?2023-08-02T16:02:19+00:00

Natural Gas down on warm weather, but winter is not over yet..


Market Update | 1/20/2023 Natural gas futures have plummeted due to the warm winter weather over the past few weeks. Depending on when they expire, this could be an excellent time to add length to your current electricity or natural gas agreements. While the weather has been the primary driver for this bearish plunge, it's [...]

Natural Gas down on warm weather, but winter is not over yet..2024-02-27T18:20:44+00:00

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