Brian White
Vice President
Municipal Program Director
Our team remains committed and focused on helping new and existing clients navigate the ever-changing energy landscape.
Freedom Energy’s municipal group had a great 2021, but our municipal clients arguably had an even better year. Our end-of-year memos showed savings of over $4,000,000 for our Massachusetts Cities, Towns, Housing Authorities, Water and Sewer Districts, and the best part – we expect 2022 savings will be even better. We finalized partnerships with two municipal energy industry veterans in Colonial Power Group and Bay State Consultants. These partnerships provided a tremendous amount of interaction with new clients, introduced by one of their own trusted partners. We executed electric, natural gas, and REC procurements, implemented demand response programs with ISO-NE, NGRID and Eversource, sourced renewable energy solutions using multiple approaches, and assisted communities with solar installs – in front of and behind the meter, and found community solar options for those who weren’t ready or unable to install on-site. Perhaps our most significant victory in 2021 was uncovering and rectifying a meter issue that caused more than $600,000 in excess charges!
Freedom Energy also assisted multiple communities in charting their path toward net-zero carbon emissions; a goal most Massachusetts communities are pledging to achieve by 2050.
To earn Green Community Designation in Massachusetts, municipalities must meet five criteria while implementing environmentally-friendly practices. According to the Department of Energy Resources, at the end of 2021, hundreds of Massachusetts communities (79%) have made this commitment. Chances are, your community is one of them, and if you could use a hand understanding the criteria and/or developing your path, our municipal group is eager to speak with you.
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