2022 March Newsletter

Time to grow your career? Discover what it means to work at a premier landing destination


Ashlynn Callery Human Resources Generalist Freedom Energy “Job seekers are aligning their work with their passion, and for Freedom Energy, that’s precisely how we’ve built our workforce from the beginning.” The world is changing, and so are the way people make decisions. Across the globe, people are looking for ways to follow [...]

Time to grow your career? Discover what it means to work at a premier landing destination2024-02-07T15:48:54+00:00

Cannabis Growers and Processors: A Comprehensive Energy Strategy is Vital for this Energy Intensive Industry


Anthony Mickiewicz Regional Sales Director Freedom Energy “Recognizing just how much energy legal cannabis cultivation requires, legislatures are implementing rules and regulations to manage (or even limit) how much energy cultivators can use to prevent strain on the local grid networks.” The cannabis industry is, to say the very least, energy intensive. [...]

Cannabis Growers and Processors: A Comprehensive Energy Strategy is Vital for this Energy Intensive Industry2024-02-27T18:00:57+00:00

Winter Market Opportunity: Is there one?


Brian White Vice President Municipal Program Director Freedom Energy clients know we’re constantly monitoring the market on their behalf, searching for opportunities to lower their costs. Our team is happy to monitor the markets for you.  New England winters bring cold weather, snow, and rising energy costs – right? This perception is [...]

Winter Market Opportunity: Is there one?2024-02-27T18:05:48+00:00

Municipal Market Activity, Success, and Opportunity for Communities


Brian White Vice President Municipal Program Director Our team remains committed and focused on helping new and existing clients navigate the ever-changing energy landscape. Freedom Energy’s municipal group had a great 2021, but our municipal clients arguably had an even better year. Our end-of-year memos showed savings of over $4,000,000 for our [...]

Municipal Market Activity, Success, and Opportunity for Communities2024-02-27T18:05:48+00:00

Massachusetts Community Solar Market


“Freedom Energy is eager to help Massachusetts municipalities extend community solar benefits to their LMI resident base, offering savings and allowing these residents to tap into the benefits of renewable energy.” Published on March, 17, 2022 The Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target (SMART) program was created in 2016, enacted in 2018, and created to enhance [...]

Massachusetts Community Solar Market2022-12-05T01:52:42+00:00

New Hampshire Hydro Market Update


Published on March 17, 2022 In our January 2022 newsletter, we discussed at length the passage of HB315, which increased the New Hampshire net metering limit from 1 MW to 5 MW, and we outlined the benefits it holds for New Hampshire energy users. Highlights from our January 2022 Article: HB315 specifically identifies New [...]

New Hampshire Hydro Market Update2022-12-05T02:01:38+00:00

New Hampshire Community Choice Aggregation (CCA)


Stuart Ormsbee Vice President Power Supply Strategies The NH Public Utilities Commission (PUC) has commenced a rulemaking process that will establish the rules under which CCA programs will operate and also define the obligations of electric distribution companies necessary to support such programs. The PUC held a public hearing on March 7, [...]

New Hampshire Community Choice Aggregation (CCA)2022-12-05T01:28:08+00:00

Market Update: Volatility and the Natural Gas Futures Market


Sean Devine Director of Natural Gas Sales Freedom Energy Natural Gas futures were trading in a very narrow spread on the morning of Thursday, January 27th. This day is important because it is a storage report day for natural gas inventories, and it was the settlement day for the February future contract. [...]

Market Update: Volatility and the Natural Gas Futures Market2024-02-06T21:02:15+00:00

How Demand Response Programs are Greening the Grid and Helping New England Businesses Meet Their Sustainability Goals


Philip Ciulla Account Executive, New England CPower Energy Management Currently, there are two developmental shifts taking place in New England concerning the electricity grid: The grid is shifting from conventional generation to renewable energy. The grid is also shifting from centrally dispatched generation to distributed energy resources. What was formerly a traditional [...]

How Demand Response Programs are Greening the Grid and Helping New England Businesses Meet Their Sustainability Goals2023-06-29T21:23:24+00:00

ISO-NE Forward Capacity Auction 16 Results


Dan Cwalinski Director of Contracts and Pricing Freedom Energy On March 9, 2022 ISO-NE published the results of Forward Capacity Auction 16 (FCA 16), which was held on February 7th, 2022. The auction closed with adequate power system resources to meet peak demand for the capacity commitment period spanning June 1, 2025 [...]

ISO-NE Forward Capacity Auction 16 Results2024-02-28T14:50:33+00:00

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Contact Information

Corporate Headquarters

5 Dartmouth Drive
Auburn, NH 03032

Massachusetts Office

200 Friberg Parkway, Suite 2004
Westborough, MA 01581

Phone: (877) 292-4232
Fax: (603) 625-8448
Email: solutions@felpower.com

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