
2024 Futures Electricity Prices in New England Continue a Downward Trend


Howard Plante Vice President of Procurement Freedom Energy Published: December 14, 2023 Electricity Price Trends Across 2024, 2025, and 2026 In October, we reported that the 2024 calendar year electricity price average dropped to a 17-month low of 6.37 cents per kWh. In the subsequent weeks since the end of October, [...]

2024 Futures Electricity Prices in New England Continue a Downward Trend2024-05-23T19:53:26+00:00

How FERC Order No. 2023 is Transforming Grid Interconnections


Howard Plante Vice President of Procurement Freedom Energy Published: September 19, 2023 Introducing Order No. 2023: Speeding Up Approvals On July 28, 2023, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued Order No. 2023 which brings sweeping reforms to the interconnection process for large electric generation projects (20 megawatts and greater) and [...]

How FERC Order No. 2023 is Transforming Grid Interconnections2025-02-11T20:12:54+00:00

2023 Annual System Peak


Howard Plante Vice President of Procurement Freedom Energy Published: September 19, 2023 In an unusual turn of events, Thursday, September 7, 2023, marked a significant milestone in the ISO-NE region, setting a new record for the Annual System Peak. With demand soaring to 23,521 MW between 5-6 PM, it surpassed the [...]

2023 Annual System Peak2024-05-14T15:31:20+00:00

System Peak Notification: Capacity Tag Management – Summer 2023 Curtailment Cost Impact


Howard Plante Vice President of Procurement Freedom Energy As we approach the summer season, we want to provide some information to help you decide whether curtailment this summer to reduce your capacity tag makes sense and what the relative cost savings are. The Annual System Peak will occur in June, July or [...]

System Peak Notification: Capacity Tag Management – Summer 2023 Curtailment Cost Impact2024-05-14T15:40:03+00:00

Market Update: Electricity Prices


Howard Plante Vice President of Procurement Freedom Energy In mid-2022 as the Russia – Ukraine war continued, futures electricity prices for 2023 and beyond followed a pattern of volatility driven by natural gas prices. Speculation remained high as we headed into the Fall, and utility electricity prices for January and February 2023 [...]

Market Update: Electricity Prices2025-02-12T19:33:09+00:00

Time for a New Capacity Strategy?


What is Capacity? Capacity is the maximum output that a generating facility can produce. It is used by Independent System Operators (ISOs) as a barometer to effectively determine their region’s future supply capabilities. Essentially, ISONE helps facilitate the flow of payments from suppliers (buyers) of electricity to the generating facilities (sellers). Each of your utility [...]

Time for a New Capacity Strategy?2023-05-30T18:50:36+00:00

Effects of Covid-19 on Wholesale Real-Time Electricity Prices in New England


The New England region has seen some historically low Real-Time electricity prices in 2020 so far this year.  Prices in January, February and March benefitted from a mild Winter as a result of low natural gas prices generators paid to produce electricity.  Covid-19 has had some very profound affects throughout the world, including on energy [...]

Effects of Covid-19 on Wholesale Real-Time Electricity Prices in New England2023-04-28T15:02:31+00:00

Virtual Net Energy Billing: A New Opportunity for Maine Businesses


For many years, the choice between low energy costs and reducing carbon footprint has created a dilemma for New England businesses. In Maine, commercial users no longer need to choose between the two. Through virtual net energy billing, businesses can instead reduce energy costs while supporting the growth of renewable solar power in their home [...]

Virtual Net Energy Billing: A New Opportunity for Maine Businesses2023-07-10T13:20:29+00:00

New England Energy Market: How We Got to Where We Are


When sitting with a client and reviewing options for securing the next contract cycle of power or gas, you cannot help but turn to the topic of how we got to where we are today after years of reasonably normal swings and cycles in the price of natural gas and electricity. Simply put, today’s energy [...]

New England Energy Market: How We Got to Where We Are2023-02-20T15:40:35+00:00

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