
Index Energy Products in Focus: Opportunities and Pitfalls in the Deregulated Market


Cameron Von Hollander Energy Advisor  Freedom Energy Published: December 14, 2023 Introduction: An Overview of Index Products The U.S. deregulated energy market presents a wide array of products tailored to meet the distinct energy needs of each business. While fixed price, block, and hedge options are commonly utilized, today's focus shifts [...]

Index Energy Products in Focus: Opportunities and Pitfalls in the Deregulated Market2024-04-17T19:09:25+00:00

Sustainable Energy Solutions: Exploring Community Solar and Net Metering


Understanding Community Solar Community Solar involves local solar facilities shared by multiple subscribers within a community. It's an ideal solution for businesses facing challenges installing onsite solar panels due to leasing constraints, financial limitations, or unsuitable infrastructure. These off-site projects expand access to solar energy benefits and contribute to a more robust electrical grid. [...]

Sustainable Energy Solutions: Exploring Community Solar and Net Metering2024-05-14T15:48:55+00:00

An Energy Buyer’s Quandary: Choosing between lowest cost and lowest rate


Carol Anne Watts Senior Director of Sales and Sales Operations Freedom Energy Published: December 14, 2023 Understanding the Energy Buyer's Quandary In the world of energy procurement, buyers are often faced with a critical decision: should the focus be on securing the lowest rate or the lowest overall cost? This choice [...]

An Energy Buyer’s Quandary: Choosing between lowest cost and lowest rate2024-04-17T19:09:26+00:00

Exploring the Overlooked: The Importance of Natural Gas Procurement for Municipalities


Brian White Municipal Program Director Freedom Energy Published: December 14, 2023 Understanding Your Natural Gas Options and Potential Savings Electricity procurement is a familiar task for many municipalities in New England. Cities and towns often secure aggregate electric agreements not only for their public facilities but also for residents and small [...]

Exploring the Overlooked: The Importance of Natural Gas Procurement for Municipalities2024-02-27T18:05:44+00:00

New Hampshire Muni Minute | November 2023


Inside this Edition of the Freedom Energy Logistics Muni Minute Freedom Energy Logistics | November 2023 Town of North Hampton, NH Signs Municipal Aggregation Contract North Hampton, NH, has partnered with Colonial Power Group and Freedom Energy Logistics to launch a five-year [...]

New Hampshire Muni Minute | November 20232025-02-21T17:09:03+00:00

Unveiling the Top 10 Energy Challenges Faced by Municipal Clients | Part Two


Brian White Municipal Program Director Freedom Energy Published: September 19, 2023 We are delighted to share the next five energy challenges expressed by our municipal clients. We trust you had the chance to dive into our June 2023 Muni Minute and Q2 Newsletter, where we initially unveiled the first five challenges. [...]

Unveiling the Top 10 Energy Challenges Faced by Municipal Clients | Part Two2024-02-29T18:54:34+00:00

Unpacking the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA): A Year of Economic Stimulus, Climate Initiatives, and Opportunities for Businesses


Carol Anne Watts Senior Director of Sales and Sales Operations Freedom Energy Published: September 19, 2023 One Year Later: The IRA's Impact on Economic and Climate Fronts In August 2022, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) made history as the largest climate bill ever enacted. This article takes a comprehensive look at [...]

Unpacking the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA): A Year of Economic Stimulus, Climate Initiatives, and Opportunities for Businesses2024-02-07T17:23:43+00:00

Weather, water temperature, hurricanes: What is the impact on energy markets?


Dileep Prabhakar Regional Sales Director Freedom Energy Published: September 19, 2023 As we find ourselves amidst the peak of hurricane season, let's review the intricate relationship between hurricanes and the energy markets. This article examines the forces of nature, from the inception of hurricanes to their profound impact on the energy [...]

Weather, water temperature, hurricanes: What is the impact on energy markets?2024-02-27T18:20:42+00:00

Massachusetts Muni Minute | August 2023


Inside this Edition of the Freedom Energy Logistics Muni Minute Freedom Energy Logistics | August 2023 Is Now the Right Time to Buy? Green Communities Updates & Deadlines Important Dates & Opportunities Is Now the Right Time to Buy? Carol Anne Watts | [...]

Massachusetts Muni Minute | August 20232023-08-28T18:56:00+00:00

Short-term vs. Long-term Energy Contracts and the Timing of Purchase


Dan Cwalinski Director of Contracts and Pricing A commodity buying strategy should always have a focus on the long-term and help mitigate risk and provide savings under varying market conditions. The strategy will change as the markets and contract timing do, but a long-term approach should always win out over time. Even if a short-term [...]

Short-term vs. Long-term Energy Contracts and the Timing of Purchase2024-02-28T14:50:31+00:00

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Westborough, MA 01581

Phone: (877) 292-4232
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Email: solutions@felpower.com

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