Inside This Newsletter
As your energy provider, we are committed to providing our clients with informed market guidance. If you have any questions or want to learn more about the topics covered in our newsletter, please contact our team.

Gus Fromuth re-elected as a Coordinating Committee member of the Consumer Liaison Group (CLG)
We are pleased to share that Gus Fromuth, Founder and Managing Director, was recently re-elected as a Coordinating Committee member of the Consumer Liaison Group (CLG), the organization representing consumers’ voice in the electric industry. The Coordinating Committee governs the CLG with representatives from the six New England states. As a committee member of CLG, Gus will serve alongside other energy industry professionals and participate in meetings and initiatives that can impact electricity prices in New England. The group also regularly provides updates from ISO-NE on regional energy issues.

Amoskeag Hydro Facility Event
Together with our partner, Central Rivers Power, we were delighted to host a tour and luncheon at the Amoskeag Hydro Facility for off-takers, municipal clients, and community members on October 27. Event guests enjoyed tours of the hydro facility and then gathered by the Merrimack River for a luncheon and networking. To learn more about Hydro Net Energy view our hydropower video.
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