2023 June Newsletter

PJM Market Update: Further PJM Base Residual Auction Delays


Dan Cwalinski Director of Contracts and Pricing Freedom Energy PJM has continued to experience delays in holding the Base Residual Auctions (BRA) for the Reliability Pricing Model (RPM) Capacity Market. These auctions are relied upon for grid reliability by sending appropriate price signals to the market and incentivizing new generation to be [...]

PJM Market Update: Further PJM Base Residual Auction Delays2024-02-28T14:50:30+00:00

Energy management strategies


Anthony Mickiewicz Regional Sales Director  Freedom Energy Time is money, as they say. And time spent doing nothing can add up. This, of course, is not to say businesses are sitting around doing nothing. Typically, a business’ primary focus is what they offer or produce, and often there is no time internally [...]

Energy management strategies2025-02-11T20:00:45+00:00

Top 10 Challenges Most Often Expressed by Municipal Clients About Achieving Energy Goals


Brian White Municipal Program Director Freedom Energy City Mayors, Town Administrators, and Executive Directors assume lots of responsibility in their roles. They are trusted to make decisions impacting tens of thousands and those decisions are often public knowledge, so there is a lot to consider. Usually pulled in multiple directions at the [...]

Top 10 Challenges Most Often Expressed by Municipal Clients About Achieving Energy Goals2024-02-27T18:05:45+00:00

System Peak Notification: Capacity Tag Management – Summer 2023 Curtailment Cost Impact


Howard Plante Vice President of Procurement Freedom Energy As we approach the summer season, we want to provide some information to help you decide whether curtailment this summer to reduce your capacity tag makes sense and what the relative cost savings are. The Annual System Peak will occur in June, July or [...]

System Peak Notification: Capacity Tag Management – Summer 2023 Curtailment Cost Impact2024-05-14T15:40:03+00:00

Connecticut’s Energy Storage Solutions Program: Supporting Commercial and Industrial Clients


Philip Ciulla Account Executive, New England CPower Energy Management Guest Contributor Freedom Energy’s strategic partnership with CPower provides valuable OnDemand Energy Storage solutions for clients in Rhode Island, Connecticut, and Massachusetts.   Connecticut is at the forefront of the energy storage movement and CPower is leading the way in helping clients deploy more batteries. The state [...]

Connecticut’s Energy Storage Solutions Program: Supporting Commercial and Industrial Clients2025-02-11T17:18:27+00:00

Part 2: Developing an ESG Plan: Work strategically and identify commitments.


Dileep Prabhakar Regional Sales Director Freedom Energy In our March 2023 Newsletter, we touched on the topic of ESG (Environmental Social Governance) and why it is gaining in importance. We also highlighted the significance of having employees, clients, investors, and other stakeholders involved in defining and developing a plan. Publicly traded companies, [...]

Part 2: Developing an ESG Plan: Work strategically and identify commitments.2024-05-14T16:03:52+00:00

Low-Income Solar under Community Choice Aggregation Programs in Massachusetts


Stuart Ormsbee Vice President, Power Supply Strategies Colonial Power Group Guest Contributor   Freedom Energy's strategic partnership with Colonial Power Group (CPG) enables us to offer cities, towns, counties, municipalities, and other qualifying governmental entities value when it comes to choosing their Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) electricity provider.  I am so [...]

Low-Income Solar under Community Choice Aggregation Programs in Massachusetts2025-02-12T19:31:49+00:00

Market Update: Electricity Prices


Howard Plante Vice President of Procurement Freedom Energy In mid-2022 as the Russia – Ukraine war continued, futures electricity prices for 2023 and beyond followed a pattern of volatility driven by natural gas prices. Speculation remained high as we headed into the Fall, and utility electricity prices for January and February 2023 [...]

Market Update: Electricity Prices2025-02-12T19:33:09+00:00

Empowering Employee Social Responsibility: Freedom Energy’s Earth Day All Year Long


Ashlynn Callery Human Resources Manager Freedom Energy In today's corporate landscape, companies are increasingly recognizing the significance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainable practices. As part of our ongoing commitment at Freedom Energy, our philanthropic and sustainability committees joined forces and organized the Earth Day All Year Long event to encourage [...]

Empowering Employee Social Responsibility: Freedom Energy’s Earth Day All Year Long2024-05-14T15:33:43+00:00

Is right now the best time to buy your next electric supply agreement? Well, maybe, yes.


Carol Anne Watts Senior Director of Sales and Sales Operations Freedom Energy Deciding when to execute an energy supply agreement can be a confusing and daunting task. Committing to buy multiple years of energy on a single day is a calculated risk that most energy buyers seek expert advice to help guide [...]

Is right now the best time to buy your next electric supply agreement? Well, maybe, yes.2025-02-12T19:21:12+00:00

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5 Dartmouth Drive
Auburn, NH 03032

Massachusetts Office

200 Friberg Parkway, Suite 2004
Westborough, MA 01581

Phone: (877) 292-4232
Fax: (603) 625-8448
Email: solutions@felpower.com

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